Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Raiders East

Just Win Baby.

That was the mantra of the Oakland/LA Raiders of the 70's and 80's. Lie, cheat and steal, but just win. Take steroids (Lyle Alzado et al) but just win. Pay off the officials (see Sugar Bear Hamilton's phantom roughing the passer call in the 1976 playoffs) but just win baby.

Don't ask whether or not the Patriot's image will be tarnished. It's gone beyond tarnished to rusted with holes in it. Let's just examine this year alone. Golden boy Brady always speaks of his strong family values, but has a baby out of wedlock. Harrison, the leader of the team on and off the field, a born again Christian, uses banned substances to "get back on the field". And now blatent cheating during a game with the use of video cameras.

For those of you that have been on another planet, I'll explain. One of the Pats video assistants was on the Jets sideline video taping the Jets defensive coaches signaling plays to the huddle. It is absolutely illegal to video anything on the field at any portion of the game. Manjuvenille, probably accutely aware that Belichick does this, tipped off NFL security in the first quarter and they seized the camera and film. It is this film that commissioner Goodell viewed to determine that the Patriots are guilty. supplied visual evidence today with this picture:

How blatently obvious is THAT?!?!?! How STUPID?!?!?
I think it's indefensible, but Belichick's statement included a line about how he presented his, "interpretation of the rule" to the commissioner. As far as I know Johnny Cochrane is dead and the glove fits, Bill.

Innocent or guilty, this videogate has been hard to swallow as a fan. The problem with being a fan is that "fan" is short for fanatic. It's hard not to be fanatical about your team, hard not to be emotional about them. How many times when your team has won a game have you said, "WE won the game." Right or wrong, you attach yourself to them, you identify yourself with them. That's why it makes us feel ashamed when the Pats get caught trying to "just win baby". The only experience I have had in my life that made me feel like this is when the Priests were getting busted with little boys. (I'M NOT IMPLYING THAT IT IS AS BAD OR DEMEANING THE VICTIMS HERE!) However there are a lot of similarities for me.
I'm catholic.
I was an alter boy.
I grew up around the church.
I identify myself with my church.
I had absolute respect for all the priests I knew, they could do no wrong.

I'm a New Englander.
I played peewee football.
I grew up playing sports.
I identify myself with my favorite team.
I had absolute repsect for all the players and coaches, they could do no wrong.

In both cases I don't know that I can ever look at them the same way. In the back of my mind I'll always have doubts about them. They ARE tainted.

I got offended today because a Dolphin fan kept calling out to me, "CHEATERS......CHEATERS......CHEATERS...." I felt ashamed. Then I thought, WHY? I didn't cheat. I didn't take HGH. As far as I know I didn't have a child out of wedlock. What does it have to do with me? Nothing. This incident gives us a chance to seperate ourselves from our sports heros and that's probably a good thing.

So now, knowing that what they do is NOT a reflection on you, you must ask yourself if you can still morally accept this team and support them no matter what. As for me, I was hurt, but this is just a football team, not my life.

So I say, "Just Win Baby!"


Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure that picture is totally bogus as the camera-man in question was located on The Pats sideline, not the Jets..

Tom said...

I've heard conflicting reports. Some have said Jets sideline, some Pats. I think it's more to illustrate the point of how obvious it is that the Pats were cheating.

Barry said...

Can anyone explain WHY this is cheating? I mean, I get the point that it's "in the rulebook", but why?? First, if both teams did (do) it, it's not really an unfair advantage. Second, how is it any different from simply having a guy dedicated to WATCHING the signals and writing them down?

Tom said...

It is assumed that everyteam has spies on their sidelines or up in their booths wit binoculars trying to pick up signs. That is legal in the NFL. It is illegal to record video from any sideline. We're all wondering about your second question Barry, why does Belichick feel like he needs to record the signals instead of simply watching them. We'd all love to know what advantage he gains. Like most things Patriot, we'll probably never find out.

Krager said...

I thought I heard that the guy was caught in the first quarter? Didn't seem to affect the outcome that much.

The only reason anybody cares this much is because it's the Patriots. Everybody outside of NE is sick of them and their winning. I've been getting flack down here in MD everyday since the incident was made public. They are just eating it up. Nobody really cares when the 'phins bought Pats audio tapes to learn Brady's cadences. Nobody should care about this.

I'm more upset about Rodney than I am "videogate"

This just adds another dimension to my desire for the Pats to win the super bowl now. REALLY give it to the rest of the fans.